Cider #10: Foggy Cider

This cider was an experiment to pasteurize the cider prior to fermenting, and adding hops during the pasteurization process. The short-term result was an opaque cider that looked like canned […]

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Making Flour from Rye

I found some kind of grain growing alongside a new bike path in the area. Following some basic identification methods, it appears to be rye as best I can tell. […]

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Gardening 2020 - Updated

July 12 Unfortunately the rabbits slowly discovered the sweet peas and green beans. They decimated about 60 beautiful pea plants, and almost all of the green beans. They seemed to […]

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Grilled Day Lilies

I just discovered that the beautiful day lilies in my backyard make for good eats! I ate one raw the other day and it’s quite good! I read someone describe […]

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Red Elderberry Juice

I discovered several big red elderberry plants on my bike ride the other day. After a fair amount of reading, there is a lot of information out there about how […]

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Golden Oyster Mushrooms

I found some nice Golden Oyster Mushrooms on the Mohawk-Hudson Bike Path today. These are some of the best smelling and tasting mushrooms I have ever cooked up. When I […]

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