Cider #15

1/5/22 – I bought three bags of apples at DeVoe’s Orchard the other day including two bags of macintosh-looking apples, then two of a more yellow big honey-crisp type. Two […]

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Cider #14

10/14/21 I rode to a local area with some wild-looking but large apples. Mostly from trees, but some from the ground. A week or so earlier I had picked a […]

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Nine Carries Canoe Route

The Nine Carries is an awesome canoe route in the Saranac Lake region of the Adirondacks. I had the weekend available after other attempts at plan-making never really materialized. Without […]

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Cider #12

9/14/21 I rode my bike to Hannaford and picked a bunch of nice apples from the tree in front of the supermarket. I squeezed 3 gallons of juice from apples […]

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Hartford Marathon 2021

If you rewind three months, I had planned to train to run the race in two hours and fifty minutes which seemed ambitious after not running much, but when I started training […]

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Cider #11

9/5/21 I ground apples from N’s brother-in-law J/M’s tree in Burnt Hills. Great apples – tons of wonderful juice! Made a bunch of unpasteurized cider that M and I drank. […]

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