Red Elderberry Juice

I discovered several big red elderberry plants on my bike ride the other day. After a fair amount of reading, there is a lot of information out there about how […]

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Golden Oyster Mushrooms

I found some nice Golden Oyster Mushrooms on the Mohawk-Hudson Bike Path today. These are some of the best smelling and tasting mushrooms I have ever cooked up. When I […]

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Pickled Jalapeños

I’m pickling some jalapeños in preparation for making pizza someday soon. I just slice ’em, put ’em in a jar, fill with enough vinegar to cover the peppers, close it […]

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Reishi Mushroom

We found a lot of young Reishi Mushroom in a nearby park today. I picked one and put it in my pack and brought it home. I tried making a […]

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