Picked sumac with S, M, M, & M. We made a bunch of sumac soda. And added a little to a gallon jug with a bunch of table sugar and a bit of wine yeast. Enough sugar was added to give it a 5.2% alcohol potential.
Transferred from jug to mini-keg and added Hen of the Wood Mushroom. It will just sit in the keg with the mushroom at the bottom.
Bottled this from the mini keg. It has been chilling in the cold room and carbonating. Unfortunately the mushrooms in the bottom of the keg clogged the ‘out’ tube in the keg which made the cider barely come out and turned to fizz as it passed through the clogged tube. Under the circumstances it bottled pretty well, just a bit slow, and probably lost some carbonation.
It tastes pretty good at this stage. Mostly just has a bit of tartness from the sumac. I’m not sure I taste the mushroom much.