Final Paper
- Pay special attention to his comments on the progress report
- you'll need to describe the effect algorithms in more detail in the final report
- Must be accompanied by a cd/dvd with the final video
- You can also include source code
- 10-15pp long
- Sections:
- 1. Intro
- 2. Related Work
- 3. Data Collection
- 4. Technical Approach - "the Meat" - Flowcharts, diagrams, intermediate output, pseudocode, and so on are all great to include
- 5. Example Results - This section should include several sample frames of your final video that illustrate the main effects you designed. Also, describe the software that was used to accomplish the effect.
- 6. Discussion and Future Work - Now that the project is finished, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the final result. If you had more time to work on the video, what would you change/add, and how/why?
- 7. References
- Maya
- Boujou
- After Effects
- Voodoo and Blender
- Voodoo and Maya
- Rendering with Cinellera
- icarus:
- convert tga's to avi
- mencoder mf://*.tga -ovc raw -o output.avi
- No compression, looks great (Not WMP compatible):
- mencoder mf://*.tga -o output.avi -ovc raw -fps 30 -oac mp3lame -oac mp3lame -audiofile /home/jake/projects/pacman/badcartridge.wav
- Compressed, slightly ugly, WMP compatible:
- mencoder mf://*.tga -o output.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2:vbitrate=500 -mf fps=30 -oac mp3lame -audiofile /home/jake/projects/pacman/badcartridge.wav
- 2-pass (these look good):
- Check the first few frames! They may be corrupted, and in need of replacing with frame 0003!
- Convert tga's to pngs, where black=>transparancy
i=1836; while [ $i -lt 2141 ]; do s=`printf "convert -transparent black img%07i.tga img%07i.png" "$i" "$i"`; echo $s; i=$(($i+1));done | more
i=1836; while [ $i -lt 2141 ]; do s=`printf "mv img%07i.png img.%04i" "$i" "$i"`; echo $s; i=$(($i+1));done | more
- AVI to image sequence:
- ffmpeg -i DSCF0004.AVI output-%03d.png
- Rename and image sequence form output-001.png to output.0001
i=1; while [ $i -lt 201 ]; do s=`printf "mv output-%03i.png output.%04i" "$i" "$i"`; echo $s; i=$(($i+1));done | more
- mng files from advmame
- Download, compile, and install advancecmp, which includes advmng
- Download, compile, and install advmame, which will save .mng videos
- To save the .mng, play the game, press ctrl-enter to start recording, then enter to stop recording & save
- The file gets save in ~/.advance/snap
- To extract the .png's from the .mng, run "advmng -v -x mymng.mng"
- At the end, the "frequency" is listed (30.303 for puckman), and also a command to mencode to .avi
- mng files from xmame (couldn't get them into .png):
- Capture .mng file using
- $ xmame.SDL puckman --fullscreen -mngwrite ./pacman.mng
- Play .mng file using
- Encode video for use in Windows Media Player - plays nice in Windows, but not so nice in Linux:
- mencoder composite.avi -mf fps=30 -o output.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2:vbitrate=500 -oac mp3lame
- "Being a fan of 8-bit video games, I'm interested to see how this works out. It would be cool to estimate the beats of the song (you could try doing this automatically with auto-correlation) and have some of the effects happen on the beats."
- Resize video game file to 320x240
- convert png00111.png -resize 320x240\> -size 320x240 xc:black +swap -gravity center -composite resize_.png
- Resize a directory full of files
- find ./png0* -exec convert {} -resize 320x240\> -size 320x240 xc:black +swap -gravity center -composite dest/{} \;
- Resize to 288x288
- Make a directory: ../dest, then:
- find ./ -type f -exec convert {} -depth 8 -resize 288x288\> -size 288x288 xc:black +swap -gravity north -composite ../dest/{} \;
- Generate a list of pacman positions:
- echo -n "" > ../pacman_positions.txt; find ./ -type f -exec ../../findpacman/findpacman {} > ../pacman_positions.txt \;
- cat ../pacman_positions.txt | sort > ../pacman_positions_sorted.txt; mv ../pacman_positions_sorted.txt ../pacman_positions.txt
- Add my own stuff to pacman positions:
- j=0;i=0; while [ $i -lt 100 ]; do echo "./puck0005-00000$(($i+695)).png $(($i+289)) $(($j+163)) 1 right"; i=$(($i+1)); done > blah.txt
- Create a TOC so that cinelerra can import an image sequence of .tga files:
- Beat extraction
- Centercut - winamp - extract voice
- Convert tga to avi
- cat images/*.tga | animmaker -f 30 -o test.avi - Don't move the window or use the computer while it's running! It's dependent on what is visible on the screen!
- cat images/*.tga | animmaker -f 30 -a /home/jake/projects/pacman/badcartridge.wav -n -r 22050 -o test.avi -
- count #seconds completed:
- expr `ls images | wc -l` / 30
- To use animmaker from maya animations:
- iff->tga->png->tga (maya->iff2tga->convert->convert)
- Convert mng to avi
- Newer Jakasha and Cinelerra depend on OpenGL 2.0 for fast video.
- Find out if my card(s) support OpenGL 2.0
- Check version using glxinfo | grep "OpenGL version" (While in X locally)
- "The graphics driver must support OpenGL 2.0 and Cinelerra needs to be explicitly compiled with OpenGL 2.0 support."
- Borrow a camera from
- Proposal instructions
- Beck - Bad Cartridge
- Show pixellated scene (perhaps with foreground objects pixellated, and the background straight video)
- Have the pixels try and move from straight pixels and form into a mosaic
- With each keyframe, try to move the tiles to form the frame
- First, use optical flow to reposition the tile, then do some adjusting of colors, position, and rotation
- opencv
- Video ideas:
- Use papers outside of the classroom, so perhaps come up with the idea first, then find a paper :)
- That did not happen to Pablo Picasso
- Wicken Woman
- 3D animated Fairies, Wicken church, Salem, Halloween, Spells, RPI
- Moving simple things
- like lifting grocery bags out of the trunk of the car
- "There are advantages to having powers"
- Unlocking the car trunk without a key using special powers
- moving buildings around on campus
- blowing them up
- The bike path
- I can be myself I can be somebody else on the bike path
- Up on the roof