- Follow these quick instructions:
- Voodoo did not do a good job of tracking motion.
- Texture map in maya with a video sequence:
- To animate, be sure to select the animate view from the dropdown on the left side (near the top).
- Use animate menu->set key frame (or 's' key) to set a key frame animation.
- To render in playblast with full image sequence textures:
- In the central window's menu, select Shading and turn on Hardware Texturing.
- iff2tga: (compiles and runs in linux)
i=1; while [ $i -lt 2533 ]; do s=`printf "iff2tga playblast.%04i.iff" "$i"`; echo $s; i=$(($i+1));done
- ffmpeg -i playblast.%04d.tga -i badcartridge.wav test.avi #This looked horrible (badly compressed), sounded awful (sound didn't match up)
- Perhaps I should go directly to avi using Windows maya...???
- Animmaker seemed to think that the tga's were uncompressed, even though they are not according to iff2tga
- Be sure to set the FPS to 30! - Use Window->Settings/Preferences->Preferences... Choose the Settings section. Select Time NTSC (30 fps)
- I make a polygon and colored it black with a material/labertian
- Lighting->Use no lighting (to get the color of the black background [behind the video sequence] to be black instead of off-black)
- For the final rendering, set playblast to not scale by 0.5, because that warps the pacman pixels. However, perhaps the output should be made smaller, as it is at 1.0 scale, the output was 917x713 288x288 is working for now)
- Get rid of green borders around objects in playblast mode: Hide->cameras