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  • Blue cheese:
    • Place the cover on the box, loosely, and transfer to temp 50-54 degrees F. Turn daily on the mats and dry bottom w/paper towel if moisture has accumulated. Pierce the cheeses in week 2-3 after production date to encourage veining.
    • If excessive blue mould develops on surface, wash the rind with equal belnd white vinegar and coarse sale w/small scrub brush. Dry rind immediately after wasing w/paper towls and place cheeses bcack on mats.
    • Wrap cheeses in cheese wrap or saran wrap once the ripening time is completed (6 weeks from production date). Cheeses can then be stored in a refrigerator if the desired taste is achieved or aged longer for more pungent flavor.

To do

  • Farmer's market - see about getting raw milk (unpasteurized)
  • "Rennet is commonly available in supermarkets in the pudding section"
    • I couldn't find it at the Westgate Plaza PC
    • A single package of liquid rennet showed up at Uncle Sam's in Troy.
  • Calcium Chloride
    • I found (tablets) this at the homebrew emporium?
  • Citric Acid - can I get it at the food co-op or Uncle Sam's?
    • "One last comment about citric acid, when you are looking for it in that it is generally labeled as "Sour Salt". You have probably missed it right in the spice section of your local food store because you were looking for Citric Acid, alphabetically, rather than Sour Salt!"
    • I found Sour Salt (Citric Acid) at the Westgate Plaza Price Chopper for $1.89/5.5oz. in the International Section (Kosher) - It's $5.95/8oz at (.34/oz vs. .74/oz)
  • How to measure acidity/ph? Litmus paper?
    • "Litmus paper as a measuring device for pH is not necessarily the best.indicator. It goes from red (really, pink) to blue over a range of 4.8 pH (acid) to 8.3 alkaline. It is sort of purple when in the middle (neutral...not acid or basic). But, it is kind of hard to measure 5.8 with litmus. The color changes are too subtle. But, there are other cheap papers that have more drastic changes at different pH's. I would go to a pool supplier or even aquarium department at Walmart and look for them."
    • From
  • Lipase?
  • A nice design for a cheese press:

Unpasteurized Milk


  • Mozzerella
  • Ricotta
  • Mysost
    • Recipe using Mesost
    • "I år fick jag lära mig att ta en bit mesost till strömmingen, det var utsökt! Smakerna liksom gled in i varandra på ett fint sätt. Som varje år höll Bengt i sången. Han kan hur många bordsvisor som helst. Dricken hade bryggts av Pers bror Anders, han är bra på det. Sparrissnapsen på bordet kommer från en lokal tillverkare, Gute Vin. Mesost, surströmming och så en liten smutt sparrisbrännvin, det var gott!" - This year, I learned to take whey cheese, a piece of herring, it was delicious! The flavors and slid into each other in a nice way. As every year the song was Bengt. He may be how many drinking songs at any time. Drink had been brewed by Per Anders brother, he is good at it. Asparagus schnapps on the table comes from a local manufacturer, Gute Wine. Whey cheese, sour herring and so a small SIP asparagus liquor, it was good!
  • This is getting good: "drink fermented, distilled asparagus juice."
  • Yogurt
  • Feta
    • Timeline (Professor's Recipe - Start Saturday morning, finish the next morning):
      1. Warm Milk, innoculate 1 hour
      2. Rennet overnight
      3. cut, stir, drain 2-4 hours
      4. salt, press - overnight
      5. jar it
    • Timeline (CheeseMaking book - Start Saturday morning, finish the next morning):
    • Timeline (Fiasco Farms - Start Friday evening work until late, cut Saturday evening, harden 2-3 days, then brine):
      1. Warm Milk, add mesophillic starter, ripen 1 hr
      2. Rennet 30-40min
      3. Cut, rest 10 min, cook 45 min, drain 3-4 hours
      4. flip & drain 24 hrs
      5. Cut, salt, harden 2-3 days
      6. Brine & Age
  • Cheddar
    • Timeline (Professor's Recipe - Start Friday Evening, Finish Saturday Evening)
      1. Innoc overnight
      2. Rennet 1 hour
      3. Cut, stir, cook, separate, salt, press 12 hours
      4. Cure 1 week
      5. Age 6 months
  • Blue Cheese
    • Timeline (Professor's Recipe - Start Thursday Evening, Finish Sunday morning)
      1. Buttermilk & Rennet 24 hours
      2. Drain 24 hours
      3. Press overnight
      4. Age

Next cheeses to make

  • Parmesan
  • Halloumi - Cheese that can be grilled
  • Camembert (requires special mould and perhaps some molds)
  • Homegrown mold - leave bread in basement (see roquefort wiki page)
    • If I freeze the mold and use it does it still work?
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Page last modified on May 20, 2010, at 10:12 AM