- Equipment:
- 1 hole -> 5-15 gallons avg, up to 40-80 gallons sap
- 10 gallons sap-> 1 quart syrup
- Sugar content varies a great deal between trees - avg 2-3% sugar content.
- Best producers: Sugar maple (or rock or hard maple). Red maples also provide sweet sap.
- Tree should be at least 10 inches in diameter, measured at 4.5 feet above the ground.
- Trees btw. 10 an 20 inches in diameter should have no more than on tap per tree.
- A second tap map be added for trees 20-25 inches in diameter. Another tap for bigger trees.
- Trees with large crowns extending down towards the ground are the best sap producers.
- Drill hole with a trill bit 7/16in, 2 inches deep.
- Do not bore closer than two feet over or under a former tap hole, or closer than 6 inches from the side of an old tap hole.
- Drill with a slight upward angle to encourage flow.
- Use a sharp drill bit.
- Boiling
- Boil to 7.1 degrees F above the temperature of boiling water.
- Never use soap or detergents (just a bleach/water mix) to clean equipment, as it will contaminate syrup w/off flavors.