- Jokosher - download the latest .debs from the website
- Alsamixer - set line to 100%
- I recorded through the 8-track
- (Is there a smart way to cut out this middle man?)
- check out Royalty Free sample discs
- Gtick - metronome
- Music made on Linux:
- Glame - Attempts to be the Gimp of music composition:
- LMMS it's the Linux MultiMedia Studio (midi I think, but it looks pretty good)
- Check out audio programming languages
- Ardour - Hard disk music recorder -
- Requires Jack/jackd - use the qjackctl frontend
- ardour-gtk (ubuntu)
- add effects & processing,
- soundblaster works, but for pro work, use a multichannel digial audio interface
- (rme hAMMERFALL AND m-audio Delta cards)
- JAMin - professional audio mastering of stereo input streams (any number of input streams)
- LADSPA - Multitrack additions to the above to programs
- Pd - puredata -
- MusE - a MIDI/Audio sequencer with recording and editing capabili
- Cheesetracker - a tracker program
- Soundtracker - another tracker program
- normalize
- ZynAddSubFX, fluidsynth, plus JACK
- Rosegarden
- Csound, Score11, Cecilia, PVC, MiXViews, Ceres3, Mix, and Rt
- SpiralSynth
- drum machine: hydrogen-linux