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  • Landscape bed near patio: 3.5 bags of mulch (7 cubic feet)
  • Bed with burning bushes: 5 bags
  • Beds around fence:10 bags
  • Front beds: 8 bags
  • Front trees: 1 bag
  • side of house: 5 bags
  • total bags we could use: 32.5, each bag is 2 cubic feet, so that's a total of 65 cubic feet
  • Devoe's: $38/yd, 2 yard min, up to 10. And $25 for truck in clifton park. Sunday
  • A cubic yard = 27 feet. So 2 yards is 60 feet, and would cost $100.
  • My usual purchase at hewitt's probly runs $3.50/bag, so the cost is similar (60 feet would be $100)
  • For next year:
    • Landscape bed near patio
      • Little white flowers(?)
    • Plant something in planters on poolhouse
      • Petunias
  • Bulbs
    • lily, amaryllis and tulip
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Page last modified on May 22, 2020, at 01:17 PM