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Todo: 'Graphics'

  • View on a TV set and reposition everything
    • Make sure font is a good size
  • Make a nice background
  • Make a nice background for infotext (or just reposition it so it's not on top of the hand)


  • Startup menu with options


  • Hand y pos should be at top of card
  • Decide what to do when hand is not on any card
  • (hand pos should quantize to a card pos)
  • player scores should be drawn last along w/textout
  • text should be more prominent
  • user complaints show bg stuff overhead
  • dreamcast needs to load png files
  • Card should leave player's hand
  • Animate traded cards
  • Rearrange the table - maybe do some mockups
    • Table cards should lie in decent relation to other players
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Page last modified on September 17, 2008, at 07:47 PM