VisualC++ 6.0 Settings
- Create a new console project
- Empty Project
- Add the Src and Header files to the project
- tools->options->directories tab->
- Add win32_include
- Add include
- Add lib
- Project->settings->
- Settings for All configurations
- Link->Add opengl32.lib glu32.lib glut32.lib
- "C++" tab: Category: "Precompiled Headers". Check "not using precompiled headers"
- #define WIN32 needs to happen, but vc++ defines is by default
- Don't run the app from a console
- Project Settings->Set category to Win32 Release->Link tab-> category: general
- Change /SUBSYSTEM:console to /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup
- Don't set the debug flags
- Build->Set Active Configuration->Release
To run the game, I need the following files:
- airhockey.exe
- romdisk
- glut.dll
Done (I hope)
- (In the include folder, make a folder called "GL")
- (In the top-level folder, make a folder called, "lib")
- Copy the glut libs into lib, headers into include/GL, and .dll debug dir
- Rename all the .cc files to .cpp
- set NUM_VECTORS to 1
- Make Check input return 0
- In object3d.cpp, I had to use "rb" (read binary) mode instead of "r" mode. Dos FS treats "r" as ascii.
- Add "const float M_PI = 3.14159f" to globals.h
- Include <windows.h> before #include <GL/gl.h>
- For some stupid reason, I had to fully qualify the FILE_NAME. Ugh. This didn't happen the 2nd time around.
- Debug tab -> Set debug exe to this dir - This also didn't happen the 2nd time around.