
I found an awesome recipe for Greek Melitzanosalata (Eggplant Salad). I particularly liked how they expressed the importance of grilling the eggplants to give it a nice smoky flavor. The recipe really came together today. Yesterday I built a firepit in the backyard with some rocks a friend was looking to get rid of.

Meanwhile, on my way home from work on 8th Street in Troy, the CDCG's Youth Powered Farm has been providing me with the freshest, most convenient, and affordable produce in town. Today they had small eggplants for sale, which I bought (among other things). I fired up the pit, let the flames die down, and threw the eggplants into the coals. The resulting Melitzanosalata was a great success.

Related Links

* Melitzanosalata recipe
* Troy's Youth Powered Community Garden

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